Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Blog #9

The first thing I'm going to talk about is the Flipped Classroom. The Flipped Classroom is essentially a model in which the teacher uploads videos of themselves teaching online (this can be done through sites like YouTube or on their own class website). The concept of it started with uploading videos of lectures to be accessible to students later. The Flipped Classroom model expects kids to go home and watch these videos so that they can learn and take notes on things necessary for class the next day. The first example of educational videos I thought of is Crash Course which is something I've been following for a while (partially because of my love for John Green and partially because it's excellent) which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/user/crashcourse Another thing I want to talk about is "open" education. This refers to large amounts of information being accessible to large amounts of people. The four main components are "re" words that are easy to remember: reuse (meant for one person), revise (refers to content editing), remix (refers to content editing and updating to combine it with other information), and redistribute (distributing the resources in a new way). A site that I think is a good example of this, which I found when searching open education, would be this source: https://www.openeducationweek.org. This of course is not the only one and I would encourage you to explore your options through research! Lastly, the skills I acquired from the previous two assignments are surrounding details. I'm pretty decent with PowerPoint already, but I definitely got refreshers and some new information about the more detailed aspects of PowerPoint. For example, I relearned how to hyperlink things to other slides and I learned how to make a file of my recording presenting the PowerPoint (something I found really cool) and I learned how to better control interactive PowerPoints by disabling the mouse click to the next slide. Here are pictures of the cover slides of the two PowerPoints assignments I completed this week!

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